In article R. 711-15 :
a) In the first paragraph, after the words “members of the bureau”, the words “elected in respect of the college representing activities in the industry, commerce and services sector” are inserted;
b) The second paragraph is replaced by two paragraphs worded as follows:
“Candidates for the office of member of the bureau elected in respect of the college representing activities in the agriculture sector shall certify to the Prefect that they meet the conditions provided for in C of I of Article R. 917-17.
“Candidates for the office of member of the bureau elected in respect of the college representing activities in the trades and crafts sector certify to the prefect that they meet the conditions laid down in article 5 and II of article 6 of decree no. 99-433 of 27 May 1999 relating to the composition of the chambers of trade and their election. “