I – Taxable profits from literary, scientific or artistic production as well as those from the practice of sport may, at the request of taxpayers subject to the controlled declaration regime, be determined by subtracting, from the average revenue for the year of taxation and the two previous years, the average expenditure for these same years.
Taxpayers who adopt this method of assessment for any year are obligatorily subject to the controlled declaration regime in respect of profits from their literary, scientific or artistic production or those from the practice of a sport. The option remains valid as long as it has not been expressly revoked; in the event of revocation, however, the provisions of the first paragraph continue to have effect for profits made during the years covered by the option.
II – With effect from the taxation of income for 1982, taxpayers may also request that account be taken of average income and expenditure for the year of taxation and the four preceding years.
Taxpayers who adopt this reference period may not revoke their option for subsequent years.