I. – All transfers made by sociétés d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural under Article L. 141-1 of the Code rural et de la pêche maritime, the purpose of which complies with the provisions of the said article and which are accompanied by an undertaking by the purchaser on behalf of himself and his successors in title to maintain that purpose for a period of ten years from the transfer of ownership, shall not give rise to any collection for the benefit of the Treasury.
This article only applies to transfers of property acquired after the date of publication of law no. 90-85 of 23 January 1990 supplementary to law no. 88-1202 of 30 December 1988 relating to the adaptation of farming to its economic and social environment.
II. – The provisions of I apply to acquisitions made by a person substituted in the purchase rights conferred on a société d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural by a promise of sale that has acquired date certain, within six months of the conclusion of said promise.