When it appears that the consistency of the goods left on the premises after separation of the precious objects pursuant to the provisions of article 1313 does not justify the affixing of seals, the bailiff competent for the latter shall draw up a descriptive inventory of the furniture; in the absence of an heir present, he shall ensure the closure of the premises if they are unoccupied and shall keep the keys. The provisions of articles 1309, 1311, 1313 et 1314 sont applicables.
If there are effects necessary for the use of persons who remain in the premises, or on which seals cannot be affixed, the bailiff shall draw up a descriptive statement of them.
Any heir may obtain the return of the keys by discharging the furniture on the descriptive statement, after having recognised its consistency in the presence of the bailiff. Under the same conditions, the keys may be handed over, with the permission of the president of the judicial court, to a universal legatee having seisin and possession of the estate.
The administration in charge of the estates may also request the handover of the keys, in cases where it has been appointed to administer the estate.