The rectifications for assessment deficiencies resulting from the defect or inaccuracy of the built property declarations provided for in articles 1406 and 1502, and those provided for in XVII of article 34 of law n° 2010-1658 du 29 décembre 2010 de finances rectificative pour 2010 font l’objet de rôles particuliers jusqu’à ce que les bases rectifiées soient prises en compte dans les rôles généraux.
The contributions relating to these adjustments are calculated using the rates in force for the current year. Without being able to be more than quadrupled, they are multiplied:
Either by the number of years elapsed since the first application of the results of the review,
Or by the number of years elapsed since 1 January of the year following that of the acquisition or change, if it concerns a property acquired or having undergone one of the changes referred to in article 1517 since the first application of the results of the review.
For premises assessed in accordance with the rules set out in article 1498, the first year of application of the results of the revision means 2017.