I. – In the event of the creation of a new commune, different tax rates, with regard to each of the taxes levied pursuant to 1° to 4° of I of Article 1379, may be applied, depending on the territory of the pre-existing communes, during a transitional period. The deliberation instituting this progressive tax integration procedure determines its duration, up to a limit of twelve years. Failing this, the procedure applies to the first twelve budgets of the new commune. This decision is taken either by the municipal council of the new commune, or in execution of concordant decisions of principle taken prior to the creation of the new commune by the municipal councils of the communes concerned. The duration of the period for reducing the differences in tax rates may not be subsequently modified. The progressive tax integration procedure is also applicable ipso jure at the request of the municipal council of a commune that is to become part of a new commune.
The differences that affect the tax rates applied on the territory of the pre-existing communes are reduced each year by equal shares.
This I is also applicable in the case of the joining of a commune section or a portion of the territory of one commune to another commune. A Conseil d’Etat decree specifies the conditions for the application of this paragraph.
II. – (Repealed)
III. – The decree for the creation of a new commune issued by the representative of the State in the département only takes effect for tax purposes from the following year if it is issued before 1st October of the year.