The contribution mentioned in Article 235 ter ZAA is paid spontaneously to the competent public accountant, no later than the date provided for in 2 of Article 1668 for the payment of the corporate income tax liquidation balance.
It gives rise to an advance payment on the date scheduled for the payment of the last corporation tax instalment for the financial year or tax period.
The amount of the advance payment is set :
a) For companies with a turnover of between 250 million euros and 1 billion euros during the last financial year ended or the taxation period, reduced if necessary to twelve months, to three quarters of the amount of the exceptional contribution estimated in respect of the current financial year or taxation period and determined in accordance with the procedures set out in I of Article 235 ter ZAA;
b) For companies with a turnover in excess of €1 billion during the last financial year ended or the taxation period, reduced to twelve months where applicable, to 95% of the amount of the exceptional contribution estimated in respect of the current financial year or taxation period and determined in accordance with the procedures provided for in the same I.
For the application of a and b, turnover is assessed, for the parent company of a group mentioned in article 223 A or Article 223 A bis, by adding together the turnover of each of the companies that are members of that group.
If the amount of the advance payment is greater than the contribution due, the excess is refunded within thirty days of the date of filing of the statement of balance of corporation tax mentioned in 2 of article 1668 and the declaration provided for in 1 of article 223.