I. – The following are punishable by a fine of €100 to €750:
1° Failure to submit to the administration or to keep the accounts mentioned in 6° of Article L. 311-39 of the code of taxes on goods and services;
2° Failure to submit the documents mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 34 of the tax procedures book;
3° Failure to inform the administration in the event of an irregularity mentioned in 2° of article L. 311-24 of the code of taxes on goods and services;
4° The use of documents mentioned in 4° of article L. 311-39 of the code of taxes on goods and services in paper form in situations where electronic form is required;
5° Failure to comply with the obligation to declare mentioned in 2° of Article L. 311-39 of the code of taxes on goods and services by persons who benefit from the exemptions from excise duty on alcohol provided for in Articles L. 313-7 to L. 313-14 of the same code or who trade in the denatured alcohols mentioned in its article L. 313-7;
6° Failure to comply with the obligations set out in the second paragraph of article 407 and the last paragraph of article 572.
II. – Each omission or inaccuracy found in the information required to appear in the stock records is punishable by a fine of €15.
III. – The offences referred to in this article shall be established and prosecuted and the proceedings investigated and judged in accordance with the procedure specific to indirect taxes.