I. – Subject to the provisions of this section, profits liable to corporation tax shall be determined in accordance with the rules laid down in Articles 34 to 45,53 A to 57,108 to 117,237 ter A et 302 septies A bis and taking into account only profits made in businesses operated in France, those mentioned in a, e, e bis and e ter of I of Article 164 B as well as those whose taxation is attributed to France by an international double taxation treaty.
However, notwithstanding the provisions of the second paragraph of article 37, the corporation tax due by companies created as from 1st January 1984 is established, when no balance sheet is drawn up during the first calendar year of activity, on the profits for the period from the commencement of operations to the closing date of the first financial year and, at the latest, until 31 December of the year following the year of creation.
Subject to the option provided for in Article 220 quinquies, in the event of a deficit incurred during a financial year, this deficit is considered as an expense for the following financial year and deducted from the profit made during the said financial year up to a limit of €1,000,000 plus 50% of the amount corresponding to the taxable profit of the said financial year exceeding this first amount. If this profit is not sufficient for the deduction to be made in full, the excess deficit is carried forward under the same conditions to subsequent years. The same applies to the fraction of the loss not allowed as a deduction in application of the first sentence of this paragraph.
For companies to which debt waivers are granted as part of an agreement recorded or approved under the conditions provided for in article L. 611-8 of the French Commercial Code or during safeguard, receivership or compulsory liquidation proceedings opened in their name, the limit of €1,000,000 mentioned in the third paragraph of this I is increased by the amount of the said waivers of receivables.
For companies to which waivers of receivables mentioned in 9° of 1 of Article 39 are granted, the limit of €1,000,000 mentioned in the third paragraph of this I is increased by the amount of the said waivers of receivables.
II. – 1. In the event of a merger or similar transaction subject to the Article 210 A, previous tax losses, the non-deducted net financial charges referred to in 1 of VIII of Article 212 bis and the unused deduction capacity referred to in 2 of the same VIII by the absorbed or transferring company are transferred, subject to approval granted under the conditions provided for in article 1649 nonies, to the company or companies benefiting from the contributions, and chargeable against its or their subsequent profits under the conditions provided for respectively in the third paragraph of I of this article and in 1 and 2 of VIII of article 212 bis.
In the event of a demerger or partial contribution of assets, the losses transferred are those relating to the branch of activity contributed.
Authorisation is granted when:
a) The transaction is economically justified and has principal motivations other than tax;
b) The activity at the origin of the losses or interests whose transfer is requested has not been the subject of a significant change by the absorbed or transferring company, during the period in respect of which these losses and interests were recorded, particularly in terms of clientele, employment, operating resources actually implemented, nature and volume of business…;
c) The business at the origin of the losses or interest whose transfer is requested is continued by the acquiring or transferee company or companies for a minimum period of three years, without undergoing, during this period, any significant change, in particular in terms of clientele, employment, operating resources actually used, nature and volume of business ;
d) The losses and interest that may be transferred do not arise either from the management of movable assets by companies whose assets are mainly made up of financial holdings in other companies or similar groupings or from the management of real estate assets. This provision does not apply to the bodies mentioned in articles L. 411-2 and L. 481-1 du code de la construction et de l’habitation.
2. The transfer of previous deficits, undeducted net financial charges and unused deduction capacity provided for in 1 is exempt from approval when:
a) The cumulative amount of previous losses, net financial charges not deducted and unused deduction capacity transferred is less than €200,000;
> b) The condition laid down in d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) of d) is met.
b) The condition laid down in d of the same 1 is met;
> c) During the period in question, the taxable income is less than
c) During the period in which these deficits, financial charges and unused deduction capacity were recorded, the absorbed company did not sell or cease trading in a business or establishment.
This 2 does not apply in the event of a demerger or partial contribution of assets of one or more complete branches of activity.
II bis. – In the event of the assumption of liabilities exceeding the actual value of the assets transferred in connection with a transaction referred to in 3° of I of article 210-0 A, the expense corresponding to this excess may not be deducted.
II ter. – In the event of a merger or similar transaction governed by articles 210 A to 210 C, the expenses used to calculate the ratio defined in III of article 238 made by the absorbed or contributing company are taken into account, in respect of subsequent financial years, for the calculation of the same ratio by the absorbing or contributing company. Any negative net income from disposals, concessions or sub-concessions referred to in II of the same Article 238 realised by the absorbed or transferring company is chargeable, by the absorbing or transferee company, against subsequent net income from disposals, concessions or sub-concessions of the same assets, goods or services or families of goods or services, under the conditions set out in the said Article 238.
In the event of a demerger or partial contribution of assets, the expenses and negative net income transferred are those relating to the intangible asset contributed.
III. – (Repealed)
III bis. – In the event of an option for the regime defined in article 209-0 B, losses carried forward at the start of the first financial year covered by this option may not be offset against profits made in respect of financial years closed during the ten-year period(s) referred to in III of the said article. These losses may either be deducted, under the conditions set out in I and II of this article, from the profits for the financial year in respect of which this regime ceases to apply and for subsequent financial years, or offset against the sum referred to in the second paragraph of V of article 209-0 B.
IV. – 1. For the purposes of determining the taxable income of mutual insurance companies, the membership fee paid by a member during the financial year in which he becomes a member and entered in the accounts in the “formation fund” account is considered to be a contribution in an amount equal to the ratio between the minimum solvency margin required by the regulations and the number of member-policyholders, recorded at the end of the previous financial year. Where the solvency margin actually constituted is less than the regulatory minimum amount, the first term of this ratio is increased by the amount of this shortfall.
2. The sums deducted from the “establishment fund” account are deducted from the taxable income for the financial year in progress on the date of the deduction, up to the limit of those which have benefited from the provisions of 1.
3. The provision of 2 does not apply in the event of losses being charged to the “formation fund” account; losses thus cancelled cease to be carried forward.
V. – For the purposes of determining the taxable income of companies that benefit or have benefited from the regime defined in Article 209-0 B, the amount of capital gains or losses arising from the disposal of ships eligible for this regime and realised during or after the period covered by the option referred to in III of this same article is reduced by the ratio existing between the length of ownership during the period covered by this option and the total length of ownership. The holding period covered by the option is counted from the date on which the transferring company began operating the vessel under the regime defined in Article 209-0 B, where the transferring company acquired all of the shares in the company that owns the vessel and then acquired the vessel as part of a transaction benefiting from the provisions of Articles 210 A, 210 B and 210 C.
The provisions of the first paragraph do not apply in the event of exit from the regime provided for in Article 209-0 B under the conditions provided for in b and d of IV of the said Article, or the sale of ships during the period mentioned in III of the said Article to companies which have not opted for the regime provided for in the aforementioned Article 209-0 B and which are directly or indirectly linked within the meaning of 12 of Article 39.
VI. – The nineteenth paragraph of 5° of 1 of Article 39 applies separately to securities in companies with a preponderance of real estate assets defined in the third paragraph of a of I of Article 219 and to other securities in companies with a preponderance of real estate assets.
VII. – Expenses relating to the acquisition of equity interests as defined in the seventeenth paragraph of 5° of 1 of article 39 are not deductible in respect of the financial year in which they are incurred but are included in the cost price of these interests. For the application of the provisions of the previous sentence, acquisition costs include transfer duties, fees, commissions and deed costs relating to the acquisition.
The portion of the cost price of the securities mentioned in the first paragraph corresponding to these acquisition costs may be amortised over five years from the date of acquisition of the securities.
VII bis. – When the equity securities mentioned in the third paragraph of a quinquies of the I of article 219 have been acquired as part of a capital increase paid up by offsetting liquid and due debts which have been acquired from a third party company which is not related, within the meaning of 12 of article 39, to the company acquiring the securities, nor to the issuing company, the taxable profit is determined by taking into account the real value of the securities received as consideration. The links of dependence mentioned in the first sentence of this VII bis are assessed on the date of acquisition of the securities and during the twelve months preceding and following this date.
For the application of the first paragraph of this VII bis, it is however not required that the company from which the receivables were acquired is not related to the issuing company when the capital increase is carried out as part of a conciliation protocol recorded or approved under the conditions provided for in Article L. 611-8 of the Commercial Code or a safeguard or recovery plan.
VIII. – For sociétés coopératives d’intérêt collectif, the portion of surpluses placed in non-shareable reserves is deductible from the basis of assessment for corporation tax.
IX. – (Repealed).
X. – The following are not deductible from the basis of assessment for corporation tax:
1° Contributions paid to the deposit guarantee and resolution fund pursuant to the first sentence of I of Article L. 312-7 of the Monetary and Financial Code to finance the interventions provided for in III and IV of Article L. 312-5 of the same code;
2° The contributions provided for in Articles 69, 70 and 71 of Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2014 establishing uniform rules and a procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the context of a single resolution mechanism and a single banking resolution fund, and amending Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.