I. – 1. A declaration including a country-by-country breakdown of the group’s profits and economic, accounting and tax aggregates, as well as information on the location and activity of the entities making it up, the content of which shall be set by decree, shall be submitted in dematerialised form, within twelve months of the end of the financial year, by legal entities established in France that meet the following criteria:
a) Draw up consolidated accounts;
b) Own or control, directly or indirectly, one or more legal entities established outside France or have branches there;
c) Have consolidated annual sales, excluding tax, of at least €750 million ;
d) Not be owned by one or more legal entities located in France and required to file this declaration, or established outside France and required to file a similar declaration under foreign regulations.
2. A legal entity established in France which is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by a legal entity established in a State or territory not included in the list referred to in II and which would be required to file the declaration referred to in 1 if it were established in France shall file the declaration:
a) If it has been designated by the group for this purpose and has informed the tax authorities; or
b) If it cannot demonstrate that another entity of the group, located in France or in a country or territory included on the list mentioned in II, has been designated for this purpose.
3. The declaration referred to in the first paragraph of 1 may, subject to reciprocity, be the subject of automatic exchange with States or territories that have concluded an agreement with France to this effect.
II. – The list of States or territories which have adopted regulations making it compulsory to submit a country-by-country declaration similar to that set out in 1 of I, which have concluded an agreement with France allowing automatic exchange of country-by-country declarations and which comply with the obligations resulting from this agreement shall be determined by an order.