When the public prosecutor, the investigating court, the judicial police officer, with the authorisation of the public prosecutor or the investigating judge, or the court hearing the case decide to use, for the operations mentioned in article 230-1, to State resources covered by national defence secrecy, the written requisition must be sent to a technical body subject to national defence secrecy, and designated by decree, together with the physical medium containing the data to be cleared or a copy thereof. The requisition sets the deadline by which the data must be cleared. The deadline may be extended under the same formal conditions. At any time, the public prosecutor, the investigating court, the judicial police officer, with the authorisation of the public prosecutor or the investigating judge, or the trial court hearing the case or having requested the technical body may order the interruption of the prescribed operations.
In order to carry out the clarification operations, the technical body mentioned in the first paragraph of this article is authorised to open or re-open the seals and to make new seals after having, if necessary, repackaged the physical media that it was responsible for examining. Where there is a risk of destruction of the data or the physical medium containing it, authorisation to alter the physical medium must be issued by the public prosecutor, the investigating court or the trial court hearing the case.
Data protected as national defence secrets may only be communicated under the conditions set out in articles L. 2312-4 to L. 2312-8 of the Defence Code.
Where data obtained in the context of interceptions of electronic communications is concerned, within the processing mentioned in I of article 230-45, the requisition shall be addressed directly to the technical body designated pursuant to the first paragraph of this article.