When the rental is granted by a legal entity or a public or private law body, not mentioned in article 234 duodecies or article 234 terdecies, the contribution provided for in article 234 nonies, based on the amount of net revenue defined in article 29 and received during the calendar year in respect of the rental, is paid by this person or body, to the competent public accountant, on the basis of a special declaration, no later than 15 October of the year following that in which the income subject to the contribution is received.
Subject to this proviso, the contribution is audited and collected according to the same rules and under the same guarantees and penalties as for corporation tax.
On the date provided for in the first paragraph, it gives rise to an advance payment equal to 2.5% of three quarters of the net revenue defined in Article 29 and collected during the previous year.
For legal entities or organisations taxed at the corporate tax rates provided for in article 219 bis, the contribution, established under the conditions defined in I of article 234 duodecies, is declared, collected and audited in the same way as the corporation tax for which they are liable, with the exception of the provisions of the first to third paragraphs.