When securities, mentioned in Articles 5 and 6 of Law no. 86-912 of 6 August 1986 or the profit participation certificates referred to in amended Article 1 of the same law, appear on the balance sheet of a company and are exchanged as part of the transactions referred to in 1° of l’article 5 de la loi n° 86-793 du 2 juillet 1986 ou au titre IV de la loi n° 86-1067 du 30 septembre 1986 modifiée, la plus-value ou la moins-value résultant de l’échange n’est pas prise en compte pour la détermination du résultat imposable de l’exercice en cours; les actions reçues en échange sont inscrites au bilan pour la même valeur comptable que celle des titres échangés.
When the company disposes of the shares received in this way, the date on which the securities given in exchange were acquired is used as the reference date for calculating the capital gain. The calculation is based on the tax value recorded in the company’s accounts. For securities remitted pursuant to nationalisation law no. 82-155 of 11 February 1982 or as part of the transactions mentioned in Article 19 of the Amending Finance Law for 1981, n° 81-1179 du 31 décembre 1981, and to Article 14 of the amended finance law for 1982, n° 82-1152 of 30 December 1982, this value is that defined in article 248 A.