Where several formalities of a nature to produce effects enforceable against third parties under Article 2528, are required on the same day in respect of the same immovable, the one required under the title with the earliest date is deemed to rank earlier, regardless of the order of the registered filings.
Where a formality required under 1°, excluding i, and 2° of Article 2521 and likely to produce effects enforceable against third parties under article 2528, and a mortgage registration, are required on the same day in respect of the same immovable, and the deed to be published and the title of the registration bear the same date, the registration is deemed to rank earlier, regardless of the order of the registered filings.
If concurrent formalities, compulsory under 1°, excluding i, and 2° of article 2521 and of a nature to produce effects enforceable against third parties under article 2528 are required on the same day and if the deeds to be published bear the same date, the formalities are deemed to have the same rank.
Where a formality likely to produce effects enforceable against third parties by virtue of article 2528 and the publication of a summons valid as a seizure are required on the same day in respect of the same immovable, the rank of the formalities is regulated, regardless of the order of the registered filings, according to the dates, on the one hand, of the enforcement title mentioned in the summons and, on the other hand, of the title of the concurrent formality; where the titles are of the same date, the publication of the summons valid as a seizure is deemed to be of preferable rank.
In any event, registrations of the legal mortgages provided for by articles 2393 (1°, 2° and 3°) and 2402 (5°) are deemed to rank before any other formality required on the same day.