It is hereby instituted, for the pari mutuel organised and operated by the sociétés de courses under the conditions laid down by Article 5 of the Law of 2 June 1891, the purpose of which is to regulate the authorisation and operation of horse racing, and for the online horse betting mentioned in the article 11 of Law no. 2010-476 of 12 May 2010 relating to the opening up to competition and the regulation of the online gambling and games of chance sector, a levy on the gross gaming revenue.
This levy is payable by Pari mutuel urbain or the racing companies concerned for bets organised under the conditions set by the article 5 of the aforementioned law of 2 June 1891 and by persons who must be subject, as online horse betting operators, to the authorisation mentioned in the article 21 of the aforementioned Law no. 2010-476 of 12 May 2010. 15% of the proceeds of this levy, up to a limit of €12,028,307, is allocated to the municipalities mentioned in V of article L. 5210-1-1 of the General Local Authorities Code and, half to the public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation and half to the communes on whose territory one or more racecourses are open to the public, in proportion to the stakes of the horse races actually organised by the said racecourses, for 75% of the amount allocated and in proportion to the number of race meetings organised by these racecourses for the remaining 25%, and up to a limit of €841,983 per commune or per inter-municipal grouping concerned. The public institution for inter-municipal cooperation replaces the member municipalities in collecting the proceeds of this levy, following a decision by the member municipalities in accordance with the conditions set out in article 1639 A bis of this code. The limits mentioned in the second sentence of the present paragraph are indexed, each year, to the forecast of the consumer price index excluding tobacco adopted in the Finance Bill for the year.