When family benefits or the active solidarity income paid to single people mentioned in article L. 262-9 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles are not used for needs relating to housing, the upkeep, health and education of children and that one of the home help services provided for in article L. 222-3 du code de l’action sociale et des familles does not appear sufficient, the children’s judge may order that they be paid, in whole or in part, to a qualified natural or legal person, known as a “family benefits delegate”.
This delegate takes all decisions, endeavouring to obtain the support of the recipients of family benefits or the allowance referred to in the first paragraph and to meet the needs relating to the maintenance, health and education of the children; he or she carries out educational action with the family aimed at re-establishing the conditions for autonomous management of the benefits.
The list of persons entitled to apply to the judge for the purpose of ordering this assistance measure is set by decree.
The decision sets the duration of the measure. This may not exceed two years. It may be renewed by reasoned decision.