Notwithstanding an appeal, a detained defendant who has not been sentenced to an unsuspended term of imprisonment shall be released immediately after the judgment.
The same shall apply in the event of a prison sentence where pre-trial detention has been ordered or maintained pursuant to Article 464-1 or Article 465, first paragraph, as soon as the period of detention has reached that of the sentence imposed.
Judicial supervision ends unless the court decides otherwise when it pronounces an unsuspended or probationary prison sentence. If a bond has been provided, the provisions of the first and second paragraphs of Article 142-2 and the second paragraph of article 142-3 are applicable.
The criminal penalties imposed pursuant to articles 131-4-1 to 131-11 and 132-25 to 132-70 of the Penal Code may be declared provisionally enforceable.
If the court has ordered that judicial supervision be maintained and the person evades the obligations imposed, the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 141-2 shall apply. When the judgement is enforceable and the offender is placed on probation, the criminal court or the sentence enforcement judge may designate the natural or legal person who was responsible for monitoring the offender under judicial supervision to ensure that the obligations are complied with. In this case, this person is responsible for the tasks entrusted to the prison integration and probation service mentioned in article 132-44 of the Penal Code.