If the court has not issued a committal order with deferred effect in application of 3° of I of article 464-2, in the event of a non-incarcerated person being sentenced to a term of imprisonment of less than or equal to one year or for whom the remaining period of detention is less than or equal to one year, If the convicted person is present at the end of the hearing, he or she will be given notice to appear before the sentence enforcement judge within a period not exceeding thirty days, in order to determine how the sentence is to be served. The convicted offender is also informed that he/she will be summoned to appear before the prison integration and probation service for the same purpose within a period of no more than forty-five days. This paragraph applies to convicts serving a sentence under the semi-liberty, work release or electronically supervised home detention regime.
The notice to appear before the sentence enforcement judge specifies that, unless the sentenced person exercises his right to appeal, the sentence pronounced against him will be enforced in the prison if he fails to appear, without a legitimate excuse, before this magistrate.
The provisions of the first paragraph also apply when the person is sentenced to a term of imprisonment suspended on probation. However, in this case, the convicted person is only summoned to appear before the prison integration and probation service, which is thus informed of the measure.