An accused person who, for one of the offences mentioned in article 495-7, a direct summons or a summons to appear in court pursuant to articles 390 or 390-1, a summons by procès-verbal pursuant to article 394 or a committal order pursuant to Article 179 may, either himself or through his lawyer, indicate to the public prosecutor that he acknowledges the charges against him and request that the procedure provided for in this section be applied. In this case, the Public Prosecutor may, if he or she considers it appropriate, proceed in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 495-8, after summoning the accused and his lawyer and, where applicable, the victim. The referral to the Criminal Court then lapses, unless the person does not accept the proposed sentences or the President of the Judicial Court or the judge delegated by him refuses to approve them, where either of these refusals occurs more than ten days before the date of the hearing to be held on the merits before the Criminal Court.
The Public Prosecutor may also take the initiative of proposing to the defendant that he proceed in accordance with the first paragraph of this article.
This article applies as long as the criminal court has not examined the merits of the case, including if the case has been referred.
Where the case has been referred to the court by a direct summons issued by the civil party or where the committal order has been made by the investigating judge following a complaint lodged by the civil party, this article may only be applied with the agreement of the civil party.
This article applies to an accused person sentenced by the criminal court who has lodged an appeal, limiting the scope of the appeal to the sentences handed down at the time the appeal is lodged or subsequently. The powers conferred on the public prosecutor and the president of the court or his delegate by this section shall then be exercised respectively by the public prosecutor and by the president of the criminal appeals chamber or his delegate.