If the copy has been delivered to a person residing at the domicile of the person to whom the writ relates, the bailiff shall inform the interested party of this delivery without delay, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Where it is clear from the notice of receipt, signed by the person concerned, that the latter has received the registered letter from the bailiff, the writ delivered to the person’s domicile has the same effects as if it had been delivered in person.
The bailiff may also, instead of the registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt referred to in the previous paragraph, send the interested party by ordinary letter a copy of the document accompanied by a receipt which the addressee is invited to return by post or to hand in to the bailiff’s office, bearing his signature. When this signed receipt has been returned, the writ delivered at home produces the same effects as if it had been delivered in person.
The domicile of a legal entity means the place where it has its registered office.