Customs officers may, at any time, inspect goods, means of transport and persons in or moving around the following areas and places:
1° The land area within the customs radius defined in article 44 ;
2° Customs offices designated pursuant to article 47 ;
3° Ports, airports and rail or road stations open to international traffic, as designated by order of the Minister responsible for customs, as well as the approaches to these places;
4° Motorway sections starting in the zone mentioned in 1° of this article and running up to the first tollgate located beyond the limit of this zone, as well as the location of this tollgate, the adjoining parking areas and those located on these motorway sections;
5° Trains on an international route, on the portion of the journey between the border and the first stop beyond the limit of the zone mentioned in the same 1°. However, on those railway lines providing an international service and presenting special service characteristics, the inspection may also be carried out between this stop and a stop located within the following fifty kilometre limit. These international rail lines and stops are designated by joint order of the ministers responsible for customs and transport.