1. For the purposes of investigating and establishing the offences provided for in this Code, customs officers shall have access to the premises of postal service providers and express freight companies, as defined in Article 67e, where consignments containing or appearing to contain goods and sums, securities or valuables relating to these offences may be held. This access does not apply to the part of the premises that is for private use.
This access takes place between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. or, outside these hours, when access to the public is authorised or when sorting, transport, handling or storage activities are in progress.
2. Each inspection is carried out in the presence of the inspected operator or his representative and is the subject of a report describing the inspection operations, a copy of which is given to him, at the latest, within five days of it being drawn up.
3. In the course of these operations, the confidentiality of correspondence may not be breached under any circumstances.