The marriage certificate will state:
1° The forenames, surnames, occupations, ages, dates and places of birth, domiciles and residences of the spouses;
2° The forenames, surnames, occupations and domiciles of the fathers and mothers;
3° The consent of the fathers and mothers, grandfathers or grandmothers, and that of the family council, where they are required;
4° The forenames and surname of the previous spouse of each of the spouses;
5° (repealed);
6° The declaration by the contracting parties to take each other as spouses, and the pronouncement of their union by the civil registrar ;
7° The forenames, surnames, occupations, domiciles of the witnesses and their status as adults;
8° The declaration, made on the interpellation prescribed by the preceding article, that a marriage contract has or has not been made, and, as far as possible, the date of the contract, if it exists, as well as the name and place of residence of the notary who will have received it ; all under penalty, against the civil registrar, of the fine set by article 50.
In the event that the declaration has been omitted or is erroneous, rectification of the deed, as regards the omission or error, may be made in accordance with Article 99-1.
9°If applicable, a declaration that a deed designating the applicable law has been drawn up in accordance with the Convention on the Law Applicable to Matrimonial Property Regimes, done at The Hague on 14 March 1978, together with the date and place of signature of that deed and, if applicable, the name and capacity of the person who drew it up.
In the margin of the birth certificate of each spouse, mention will be made of the celebration of the marriage and the name of the spouse.