The automated national criminal record, which may include one or more processing centres, is kept under the authority of the Minister of Justice. It receives, as far as persons born in France are concerned and after checking their identity by means of the national register of identification of natural persons, the identification number may under no circumstances be used as a basis for verifying identity:
1° Contradictory convictions as well as unopposed convictions in absentia for felonies, misdemeanours or fifth-class contraventions, as well as convictions accompanied by a dispensation from sentencing or a postponement of sentencing unless mention of the decision in bulletin no. 1 has been expressly excluded pursuant to article 132-59 du code pénal;
2° Condemnations contradictoires ou par défaut, non frappées d’opposition, pour les contraventions des quatre premières classes dès lors qu’est prise, à titre principal ou complémentaire, une mesure d’interdiction, de déchéance ou d’incapacité ;
3° Decisions granting a minor an educational measure, a dispensation from an educational measure or a declaration of educational success pursuant to Title I of Book I of the Juvenile Criminal Justice Code;
4° Disciplinary decisions pronounced by the judicial authority or by an administrative authority when they entail or enact incapacities;
5° Judgements pronouncing personal bankruptcy or the prohibition provided for in article L. 653-8 of the Commercial Code;
6° All judgements pronouncing the forfeiture of parental authority or the withdrawal of all or part of the rights attached thereto;
7° Expulsion orders issued against foreign nationals ;
8° Convictions handed down by foreign courts which, pursuant to an international convention or agreement, have been notified to the French authorities or have been enforced in France following the transfer of the convicted persons ;
9° Compositions pénales, the enforcement of which has been established by the public prosecutor;
10° Judgments or rulings declaring that a person is not criminally irresponsible on account of mental disorder, where involuntary hospitalisation has been ordered pursuant to article 706-135 or where one or more of the security measures provided for by Article 706-136 have been imposed;
11° Fixed fines for misdemeanours and fifth class offences for which payment has been made or on expiry of the time limits mentioned in the second paragraph of Article 495-19 and in second paragraph of article 530.