Bulletin no. 2 is the record of the criminal records applicable to the same person, excluding those concerning the following decisions:
1° Convictions, convictions with an exemption from sentence or an exemption from educational measures or a declaration of educational success, criminal compositions and educational measures pronounced at the sanction stage with regard to a minor;
2° Convictions whose mention in bulletin no. 2 has been expressly excluded pursuant to article 775-1 ;
3° Convictions for police offences ;
4° Suspended sentences, with or without probation, where they are to be considered null and void; however, if the socio-judicial supervision provided for by article 131-36-1 of the Criminal Code or a ban on carrying out a professional or voluntary activity involving habitual contact with minors, the decision continues to appear in bulletin no. 2 for the duration of the measure. The same applies to prohibitions, incapacities or disqualifications imposed as an additional penalty, as well as the additional penalty of ineligibility provided for in 2° of Article 131-26 and to articles 131-26-1and 131-26-2 of the same code, for the duration of the measure;
5° Convictions for which a pardon has been granted by operation of law or by the courts;
6° Convictions to which the provisions of Article L. 263-4 of the code of military justice;
7° and 8° (Repealed);
9° Provisions pronouncing the deprivation of parental authority;
10° Repealed or reported expulsion orders;
11° Unsuspended sentences pronounced pursuant to of articles 131-5 to 131-11 of the Penal Code, on expiry of a period of five years from the day on which they became final. The period is three years in the case of a conviction for a days’ fine.
However, if the duration of the prohibition, disqualification or incapacity, pronounced pursuant to the Articles 131-10 and 131-11, is longer than five years, the conviction shall remain entered in bulletin no. 2 for the same period;
12° Convictions with a waiver of sentence or deferment of sentence ;
13° Convictions handed down by foreign courts concerning a minor or whose use for purposes other than criminal proceedings has been expressly excluded by the sentencing court;
14° Criminal compositions mentioned in Article 768 ;
15°Unless the judge decides otherwise, giving special reasons, sentences handed down for the offences provided for in Title IV of Book IV of the Commercial Code;
16°The fixed fines mentioned in 11° of Article 768 of this Code.
Bulletins No. 2 provided in the event of a dispute concerning registration on the electoral roll, include only decisions resulting in incapacity to exercise the right to vote.
Where there are no records in the criminal record concerning decisions to be noted on bulletin no. 2, the latter shall be marked “None”.