Distributions and net gains relating to units in venture capital mutual funds, specialised professional funds covered by article L. 214-37 of the Monetary and Financial Code in its version prior to Order no. 2013-676 of 25 July 2013 amending the legal framework for asset management, professional private equity funds, shares in venture capital companies or rights representing a financial investment in an entity mentioned in the last paragraph of 8 of II of article 150-0 A, giving rise to different rights to the net assets or income of the fund, company or entity and allocated according to the status of the person, as well as the distributions and net gains mentioned in 9 of the same II, are subject to income tax according to the rules applicable to salaries and wages when the conditions set out in 8 or 9 or in the second to last paragraphs of 1 of II of Article 163 quinquies C are not met.