By way of derogation from the provisions of this sub-section, questions of jurisdiction within a judicial court may be settled before the first hearing by reference to the file, at the request of a party or of the judge’s own motion.
The parties or their lawyers are notified without delay by any means that confers a certain date.
The case file is immediately forwarded by the court registry to the designated judge.
The jurisdiction of the judge to whom the case has been referred may be challenged by that judge or by a party within a period of three months.
In this case, the judge, by a decision of the court of first instance, may decide to refer the case to the court of first instance.
In this case, the judge, of his or her own motion or at the request of a party, refers the case to the president of the court of first instance. The President shall refer the case, in the same way, to the judge he designates. His decision is not subject to appeal.
The jurisdiction of the court may be challenged before it by the parties. The decision ruling on jurisdiction may be appealed under the conditions set out in sub-section 2 of this section.