Subject to the application of articles 657 and 663, the removal of the investigating judge in favour of another investigating judge may be requested from the president of the court, in the interests of the proper administration of justice, by reasoned request from the public prosecutor, acting either spontaneously or at the request of the parties.
The president of the court must rule within eight days by an order that will not be subject to appeal.
In the event that the judge in charge of the information is unable to act, due to leave, illness or any other cause, as well as in the event of appointment to another post, the president shall designate the investigating judge in charge of replacing him.
However, in urgent cases and for isolated acts, any investigating judge may deputise for another investigating judge of the same court.
In the cases provided for by Article 83-1, the designated judge or, if there is more than one, the first in the order of designation, may replace or substitute for the judge in charge of the investigation without the preceding paragraphs having to be applied.