The parties shall, unless otherwise provided, be required to constitute a lawyer before the Commercial Court.
The constitution of the lawyer entails election of domicile.
The parties are exempt from the obligation to constitute a lawyer in the cases provided for by law or regulation, where the claim is for an amount less than or equal to 10,000 euros or where it arises from the performance of an obligation the amount of which does not exceed 10,000 euros, in the context of the procedures instituted by Book VI of the Commercial Code or for disputes relating to the keeping of the register of commerce and companies. The amount of the claim is assessed in accordance with the provisions of articles 35 to 37.
In these cases, they may be assisted or represented by any person of their choice.
The representative, if not a lawyer, must provide proof of a special power of attorney.
The State, the regions, the departments, the municipalities and their public establishments may be assisted or represented by a civil servant or an agent of their administration.