The limitation period for public prosecution of the crime provided for in Article 214-2 of the Penal Code, where it has led to the birth of a child, runs from the age of majority of the child.
As an exception to the first paragraph of articles 7 and 8 of this Code, the limitation period for public prosecution of a concealed or hidden offence shall run from the day on which the offence came to light and could be ascertained under conditions allowing public prosecution to be initiated or exercised, without, however, the limitation period being able to exceed twelve completed years for misdemeanours and thirty completed years for felonies from the day on which the offence was committed.
A concealed offence is an offence which, because of its constituent elements, cannot be known either to the victim or to the judicial authority.
A concealed offence is an offence whose perpetrator deliberately carries out any deliberate manoeuvre designed to prevent its discovery.