For the application of article 965 and under the same conditions, the following are not retained for the determination of the tax base, when the taxpayer holds less than 10% of the rights of the undertaking for collective investment, alone and where applicable jointly with the persons mentioned in 1° of the same article 965, and when the assets of the undertaking for collective investment are composed directly or indirectly, to the extent of less than 20%, of immovable property or rights taxable under the conditions provided for in 2° of the said article 965, the units or shares:
1° Of undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities mentioned in Article L. 214-2of the Monetary and Financial Code;
2° General-purpose investment funds mentioned in article L. 214-24-24 of the same code, private equity funds mentioned in article L. 214-27 of the said code, funds of alternative funds mentioned in article L. 214-139 of the same code, general-purpose professional funds mentioned in article L. 214-143 of the same code, declared funds mentioned in article L. 214-152 of the same code and employee savings funds mentioned in article L. 214-163 of the same code, with the exception of funds in one of these categories which reserve the subscription or acquisition of their units or shares pursuant to Article L. 214-26-1 of the same code;
3° Closed-end investment companies mentioned in article L. 214-127 of the same code and the financing bodies mentioned in article L. 214-166-1 of the same code.