Taxpayers who are subject to the mandatory controlled declaration system or who wish to be taxed under this system are required to keep a day-to-day ledger showing details of their professional income and expenditure.
The ledger kept by taxpayers who are not members of an approved management association includes, regardless of the profession practised, the identity declared by the client as well as the amount, date and form of payment of fees.
They must also keep a document, supported by the corresponding supporting documents, showing the date of acquisition or creation and the cost price of the assets allocated to the exercise of their profession, the amount of depreciation carried out on these assets, as well as, where applicable, the price and date of disposal of these same assets.
They must keep these records and all supporting documents in accordance with the procedures set out in the first three paragraphs of I and Ia of Article L. 102 B du livre des procédures fiscales.
As an exception to the first paragraph, sole traders whose annual revenue does not exceed the threshold mentioned in 2° of article L. 162-4 of the code of taxes on goods and services, during the calendar year or the previous calendar year, may proceed, during the year, with the recording of their professional income and expenditure in the journal book by retaining the date of the transaction appearing on the statement sent to them by a credit institution, provided that they record all their income and expenditure for the year by the last day of the year at the latest.