Candidates for the common part and the specific part of the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif à trois degrés must satisfy the conditions laid down in article D. 212-74 and provide an application file comprising, in addition to the documents mentioned in article A. 212-108, the following documents:
1° A standardised registration form;
2° An individual civil status form dated less than three months before the closing date for registration;
3° Two identity photographs;
4° Three stamped envelopes;
5° A medical certificate stating that you are not contraindicated in practising and teaching the sports option concerned, dated less than three months before the closing date for registration for the specific part, if applicable:
7° Any additional documents required by the decrees issued in application of article D. 212-72 ;
8° Where applicable, a certified copy of the licence de sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives (STAPS) mention ” entraînement sportif “;
9° For disabled persons, the opinion of the commission provided for in articles A. 212-159 to A. 212-162;
10° A certificate of successful completion of the common part of the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif du premier degré, or any qualification accepted as equivalent, for enrolment in the specific part of the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif du premier degré, organised in the form of an examination;
11° A certificate of successful completion of the selection test or the exemption certificate provided for in article A. 212-149, for enrolment in the pre-training course for the “brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif” organised in modular form;
12° A certificate attesting to the status of high-level athlete, in respect of the sports federation concerned by the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70, holder of the delegation instituted in article L. 131-14 ;
13° A certificate from the sports federation concerned by the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70, holder of the delegation instituted in article L. 131-14, specifying the sports qualification(s) enabling the candidate to benefit from the bonus points provided for in this code, as well as the year in which these qualifications were obtained;
14° A copy of the brevet d’Etat du premier degré d’éducateur sportif or of a qualification accepted as equivalent, to register for the tests for the second degree of the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif;
15° A copy of the second-degree state certificate for sports instructors or an equivalent qualification, in order to register for the third-degree state certificate for sports instructors.
In addition, the athletes mentioned in the fourth paragraph of article D. 212-73 must present:
– for rowing and canoeing-kayaking: a certificate of aptitude to complete, without time limit, a 200-metre freestyle course, diving start;
– for swimming: a certified copy of the complementary first aid training certificate with equipment (AFCPSM);
– for water-skiing and sailing: a certified copy of the licence required to drive motorboats at sea in accordance with current regulations.