The jury for the exams leading to the specific part is made up of the following people:
1° For the first-degree state diploma for sports instructors, organised in the form of an exam, continuous assessment of knowledge and modular training:
a) The regional director of youth, sports and community life or his representative, who is a member of one of the youth and sports inspectorates, or the departmental director of youth, sports and community life, or the director of a public teaching establishment under the authority of the minister responsible for sports, as chairman;
b) A representative of each delegated sports federation concerned by the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70, or his or her representative;
c) One or more technical and teaching staff reporting to the Minister responsible for sports;
d) One or more qualified personalities;
e) If necessary, one or more members of the teaching staff in higher education;
f) One or more representatives of an organisation of teaching professionals in the sports option concerned.
With the exception of the selection tests and the modular training pre-training examination, the composition of the various panels is completed by a representative of an employers’ organisation in the field concerned.
2° With regard to the second-degree state diploma for sports instructors, organised in the form of an examination, continuous assessment of knowledge and modular training:
a) The regional director of youth, sports and community life or the member of one of the youth and sports inspectorates appointed by the Minister for national coordination of the sports option, or his/her representative, as chairman ;
b) A member of one of the Inspectorates for Youth, Sport and the Voluntary Sector, or the director of a public institution under the responsibility of the Minister for Sport, who has provided the training;
c) A representative of each delegated sports federation involved in the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70, or his or her representative;
d) The national technical director of each delegated sports federation concerned by the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70 or his or her representative;
e) One or more technical and teaching executives reporting to the Minister responsible for sports;
f) One or more qualified personalities, one or more representatives of an organisation of teaching professionals in the sports option concerned.
With the exception of the selection tests and the pre-training examination for modular training, the composition of the various juries is completed by a representative of an employers’ organisation in the field concerned.
2° bis In the absence of an approved or delegated sports federation or in the event of a failure duly noted by the Minister responsible for sports preventing the appointment of the representative of the sports federation and the national technical director, the jury deliberates validly.
3° With regard to the third-degree state diploma for sports instructors, organised in the form of an examination, continuous assessment of knowledge and modular training:
a) The Minister for Sport or his representative, who chairs the committee;
b) The Director of INSEP or his representative;
c) The member of one of the youth and sports inspectorates appointed by the Minister to coordinate the national sports option concerned;
d) The national technical director of the delegated sports federation concerned by the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70, or his representative;
e) A member of higher education;
f) One or more qualified personalities.