After deliberation by the jury, the candidate who has failed one or more training units of the specific part may be authorised by the regional director of youth, sports and community life to follow this or these training unit(s) without having to repeat the entire training course, in the context of:
– either another training session under the responsibility of the Ministry of Sports organised in the form of a continuous assessment of knowledge. In this case, the candidate must follow this or these training units within the establishment in which he/she followed the training. If the training is not renewed by the training centre, the regional director of youth, sports and community life may authorise the candidate to complete his or her training in another centre under the authority of the Ministry of Sports;
– or modular training leading to the award of the first-degree state diploma for sports instructors in the same option, with the following exemptions or reductions:
1° the selection tests for the continuing education course, which are passed with success, are exempt from the selection test for the modular course;
2° a candidate who has validated training units as part of the continuing education course is exempt from the corresponding training units as part of the modular course;
3° a candidate who has completed the practical training course as part of the continuing education course is exempt from this course as part of the modular course. However, they must produce the placement report required for the final modular training examination.