The final examination comprises three tests.
A general test (duration: specified in the specific decrees; coefficient 4) comprising:
a) A written examination covering the technical aspects of the sport concerned (marked out of 20; coefficient 2);
b) An oral examination relating to the economic or social environment of the sport concerned (marked out of 20; coefficient 2).
For outdoor sports, this oral relating to the environment may include knowledge of the natural environment.
An educational test (coefficient 4) comprising:
– the presentation and running of session(s) (marked out of 20; coefficient 3).
The session(s) will focus on the sports option in question. Candidates have a maximum of one hour’s preparation time to make a written presentation of the session(s); they are judged on their choice of teaching aids, teaching methods and teaching attitudes;
– an interview with the jury (marked out of 20; minimum duration: fifteen minutes; coefficient 1). The interview must enable the candidate to explain the teaching approach and to make a critical analysis of the session(s).
A technical test (coefficient 4) comprising:
– a practical test (marked out of 20; coefficient 3). This test involves performing one or more technical tasks relating to the chosen sports option.
For certain specialities, special provisions contained in the orders issued in application of article D. 212-127 may require that the test be taken in accordance with the rules for the acquisition of a ranking or grade relating to a level of practice attested by the sports federation concerned by the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70. This federation holds the delegation instituted by article L. 131-14.
However, the candidate may be exempted from the technical test if he or she provides an attestation of performance achieved under the conditions laid down by the specific order and which is converted into a mark.
– an oral on the technical regulations of the sports federation or federations concerned by the sports option mentioned in article D. 212-70. This federation holds the delegation instituted by article L. 131-14 (marked out of 20; minimum duration: fifteen minutes; coefficient 1).
However, when the specific decrees so provide, a test related to professional practice may be assessed.
Candidates who hold a degree in the sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities (STAPS) with a specialisation in “sports training” are exempt from the general test, the pedagogical test and, where applicable, the test relating to professional practice.