The brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif du premier degré and the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif du deuxième degré may be awarded to candidates who are or have been top-level sportsmen and sportswomen under the conditions set out in article D. 212-73, after having completed a continuous assessment course organised by a public educational establishment under the responsibility of the Minister for Sport.
The sports option of the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif must correspond to the discipline in which the candidate is or has been registered on the national list of top-level sportsmen and sportswomen.
For the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif premier degré, this training has a minimum hourly volume of one hundred and ninety hours and for the brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif deuxième degré a minimum hourly volume of two hundred and forty hours, unless reduced as provided for in article A. 212-153 , and does not distinguish between a common part and a specific part. It takes place at the end of an orientation and selection course under the conditions laid down in article A. 212-152.