The following are admitted as exemptions from a national bachelor’s degree in art history, or the applied arts, or archaeology or the plastic arts required to manage voluntary sales of furniture by public auction:
1° Any national diploma attesting to a level of training corresponding to at least three years of study after the baccalauréat in art history, applied arts, archaeology or plastic arts;
2° Any diploma conferring the grade of licence or the grade of master, attesting to studies in art history, applied arts, archaeology or plastic arts;
3° The first cycle diploma from the Ecole du Louvre;
4° The diploma of archivist palaeographer issued by the Ecole nationale des chartes;
5° The diploma of bi-disciplinary law-history of art and archaeology from the University of Paris-I;
6° The diploma of bi-disciplinary law-history of art from the University of Lyon-II;
7° The licence droit-histoire de l’art diploma from the University of Brest;
8° The “specialist consultant in cultural goods and services” diploma from the Institut d’études supérieures des arts (IESA), awarded until 2018 inclusive.