Article A321-1 of the French Commercial code
The certificates provided for in 2° of I and 4° of II of article R. 321-1 must comply with the models annexed to this article.
The certificates provided for in 2° of I and 4° of II of article R. 321-1 must comply with the models annexed to this article.
The following are admitted in dispensation from a national law degree diploma required to manage voluntary sales of furniture by public auction: 1° Any national diploma attesting to a level of training corresponding to at least three years of study after the baccalauréat in legal, economic, commercial or management disciplines; 2° Any diploma conferring the grade of licence or the grade of master, attesting to studies in legal, economic, commercial…
The following are admitted as exemptions from a national bachelor’s degree in art history, or the applied arts, or archaeology or the plastic arts required to manage voluntary sales of furniture by public auction: 1° Any national diploma attesting to a level of training corresponding to at least three years of study after the baccalauréat in art history, applied arts, archaeology or plastic arts; 2° Any diploma conferring the grade…
The aptitude test provided for in article R. 321-19 takes place at least once a year. The dates and locations of the tests are set, after consultation with the Chambre nationale des commissaires-priseurs judiciaires and the Conseil national des courtiers de marchandises assermentés, by the Conseil des maisons de vente, which ensures sufficient publicity at least two months before the date of the first test, in particular by insertions in…
Applications shall be sent to the Conseil des Maisons de Vente by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other equivalent means, no later than one month before the date of the first test of the session. The application file shall include, with, if applicable, their translation into French, the following documents: 1° A request from the candidate, drawn up on the model shown in Appendix 3-2-3 to…
The Conseil des maisons de vente shall draw up the list of candidates admitted to sit the qualifying examination tests three weeks before the date of the first test of each session. Individual invitations mentioning the day, time and place of the tests are sent to each candidate at least fifteen days in advance.
The examination tests are oral and take place in public session. The Conseil des Maisons de Vente provides the secretariat for the jury. The examination, the syllabus of which is set out in Appendix 3-3 to this book, comprises four examinations dealing respectively with: 1° Legal subjects, professional regulations and ethics, as well as economic and accounting subjects; the mark is assigned a coefficient of 3; 2° Knowledge of the…
Admission is pronounced by the jury if the average of the marks obtained by the candidate is equal to or higher than 10 out of 20. At the end of the tests, the jury draws up the list of candidates declared admitted, which is displayed on the premises of the conseil des maisons de vente, the Chambre nationale des commissaires-priseurs judiciaires and the Conseil national des courtiers de marchandises assermentés…
The examination for access to the traineeship provided for in 4° of article R. 321-18 and articles R. 321-20 to R. 321-25 shall take place at least once a year. The dates and locations of the tests are set, after consultation with the Chambre nationale des commissaires-priseurs judiciaires and the Conseil national des courtiers de marchandises assermentés, by the conseil des maisons de vente, which ensures sufficient publicity at least…
Applications shall be sent to the Conseil des Maisons de Vente by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other equivalent means, no later than one month before the date of the first test of the session. The application file shall include, with, if applicable, their translation into French, the following documents: 1° A request from the interested party drawn up on the model shown in the annexe…
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