To practise the sporting activities mentioned in articles A. 322-42 and A. 322-64, the operator of an establishment that organises one of these activities must ask the participant to either:
1° To attest to their ability to swim twenty-five metres and to immerse themselves. If the participant does not have legal capacity, his/her legal representative must attest to this capacity;
2° Present a certificate stating that they have passed the test provided for in Article A. 322-3-2 or the test provided for in 1° of I of Article 3 of the Order of 25 April 2012 implementing Article R. 227-13 of the Code de l’Action Sociale et des Familles;
3° Present one of the certificates mentioned in article A. 322-3-3.
If the participant cannot provide this certificate or one of these certificates, he or she must take the Pass-nautique test provided for in article A. 322-3-2.