On the site of the underwater activity, diving is under the responsibility of a divemaster present at the place where the divers are launched or immersed.
He or she is technically responsible for the organisation of the dive, the measures to be taken to ensure the safety of the divers and the activation of the emergency services.
He ensures that the rules and procedures in force are applied.
He sets out the characteristics of the dive and draws up a safety log, which includes the divers’ surnames, first names, skills and their function in the group, as well as the various parameters of the dive that have been planned and carried out. This sheet is kept for one year by the establishment by any means.
The diving supervisor holds a qualification mentioned inappendix III-15 a.
In the case of mixed diving, the Diving Supervisor shall also provide proof of PN-C or PTH-120 qualifications corresponding to the mixes used in accordance with Annexes III-17 a and III-18 a.