The front and back of sheet no. 1 of the bundle contain a reminder of the laws and regulations applicable to the offences mentioned in Article A. 37-21.
The fronts of leaflets nos 2, 3, 4 and 5 contain identical information by duplication effect.
Slip no. 2 constitutes the actual receipt; it is given with slip no. 1 to the offender or perpetrator.
On the front of slips nos 2, 3, 4 and 5, on the left-hand side, there is a section entitled: “A. Observation of an offence” aimed at collecting the identification of the ticketing service and the offender, the date and nature of the offence, the references of the texts punishing the said offence.
At the bottom of these sheets is a section entitled “B. Encaissement” intended to collect the amount of the fixed fine paid by the offender or the amount of the deposit paid by the offender.
Sheet No. 3 is given to the public accountant when the funds are paid by the ticketing officer.
Slip no. 4 is kept by the ticketing officer when a fixed fine is collected; in this case, it is equivalent to an official report. When a deposit is collected, this fourth section is attached to the official report.
Sheet no. 5 remains in the counterfoil booklet for immediate collection.
Slips nos 2, 3, 4 and 5 are signed by the ticketing officers and by the offender or perpetrator.