The rates of contributions to the guarantee fund for compulsory non-life insurance, pursuant to articles L. 421-8 and R. 421-39, are set as follows:
Flat-rate contribution from policyholders, under a of article L. 421-8: 0.02 euro per person covered ;
Contribution from insurance companies, under b of article L. 421-8: 1% of the total cost of guarantee fund operations relating to hunting and the destruction of animals likely to cause damage;
Contribution from those responsible for uninsured personal injury accidents, under the third paragraph of article R. 421-39 :
-normal rate: 10% of the compensation payable by them ;
reduced rate, when the accident results from an operation to destroy animals of non-domestic species carried out under articles L. 427-1 to L. 427-11 of the Environment Code: 5%.