I.-The New Caledonia Regional Sports Conference is made up of four colleges:
1° The college of State representatives comprises :
a) The High Commissioner of the Republic in New Caledonia, territorial delegate of the National Sports Agency in New Caledonia, or his representative;
b) The Secretary General of the High Commissioner of the Republic in New Caledonia, or his representative;
c) The Delegate Commissioner of the Republic in the South Province, or his representative;
d) The Delegate Commissioner of the Republic in the North Province, or his representative;
e) The Delegate Commissioner of the Republic in the Loyalty Islands Province, or his representative;
f) The Director of State Action and Public Policy Coordination, or his representative;
g) The Vice-Rector, Director General of Education in New Caledonia, or his representative;
h) The Director of Public Finance in New Caledonia, or his representative;
i) A representative appointed by the Board of Governors of the University of New Caledonia, or his representative;
2° The college of representatives of local authorities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation comprises :
a) A representative appointed by the Government of New Caledonia;
b) A representative appointed by the Assembly of the South Province;
c) A representative appointed by the Assembly of the North Province;
d) A representative appointed by the Assembly of the Loyalty Islands;
e) A representative appointed by the French Association of Mayors of New Caledonia;
f) A representative appointed by the Association of Mayors of New Caledonia;
3° The college of representatives of the sporting movement comprises:
a) A representative appointed by the President of the Territorial Olympic and Sports Committee;
b) A representative appointed by the President of the Southern Provincial Olympic and Sports Committee;
c) A representative appointed by the President of the Northern Provincial Olympic and Sports Committee;
d) A representative appointed by the President of the Disabled Sports and Adapted Sports League;
e) A representative of the Olympic disciplines appointed by the Territorial Olympic and Sports Committee;
f) One representative of non-Olympic disciplines appointed by the Territorial Olympic and Sports Committee;
g) One representative of elite sportspeople appointed by the Territorial Olympic and Sports Committee;
4° The college of representatives of other natural and legal persons with an interest in the development of sport and professional organisations representing economic players comprises :
a) One representative appointed by the Mouvement des Entreprises de Nouvelle-Calédonie;
b) One representative appointed by the U2P-NC;
c) Two representatives appointed by the Conseil du Dialogue Social;
d) One representative appointed by the New Caledonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
e) One representative of the New Caledonian Chamber of Trades and Crafts;
f) One representative of sports users appointed by the High Commissioner of the Republic in New Caledonia.
II.The members of the Regional Sports Conference other than those mentioned in a to h of 1° are appointed for a period of five years, renewable once. An alternate member is appointed under the same conditions for each of them.
If the seat of a full or alternate member of the conference falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, he or she is replaced under the same conditions, within one month of the vacancy occurring, for the remainder of the term of office.
The rules of procedure set out the conditions under which the list of members and alternates is kept up to date.