On 31 December each year, the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance shall draw up an inventory of the Fonds National de Garantie des Calamités Agricoles and a balance sheet and profit and loss account in the following form.
1° Balance sheet.
Assets :
Term investments.
Demand deposits.
Claims on the Treasury :
– under article 3-1 a of the law of 10 July 1964 ;
– under article 3-1 b of the same law;
– under article 5 of the same law.
Sundry receivables.
Other detailed assets.
Net excess charges from previous years.
Excess expenses for the year.
Total assets
Liabilities :
Indemnities provided for in Article 4 of the aforementioned Act of 10 July 1964.
Subsidies provided for under article 5 of the same law.
Interest on loans granted by the Crédit Agricole Mutuel regional mutual banks under articles 675, 675-1 and 675-2 of the French Rural Code.
Expenses payable to insurance companies.
Management and financial expenses of the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance.
Cost of assessing the additional contribution.
Expenses of the national commission for agricultural disasters.
Departmental expertise committee expenses.
Costs relating to information and prevention activities.
Advances from the Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole.
Other detailed liabilities.
Net surplus income from previous years.
Net surplus income for the year.
2° Profit and loss account.
Debit side :
Compensation provided for in article 4 of the aforementioned law of 10 July 1964, broken down by year in which the agricultural disaster occurred.
Subsidies provided for by article 5 of the same law, broken down by the financial year in respect of which they were granted.
Interest on loans granted by the Caisses Régionales de Crédit Agricole Mutuel under articles 675, 675-1 and 675-2 of the Rural Code.
Expenses incurred by insurance companies :
– expert appraisal costs ;
– costs of investigating claims.
Expenses incurred by the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance broken down by financial year.
Expenses of the national commission for agricultural disasters.
Expenses of departmental appraisal committees.
Cost of assessing the additional contribution.
Costs relating to information and prevention activities.
Advances from the Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole.
Interest on advances from the Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole.
Losses on realisation of securities.
Other debit items.
Surplus income for the year.
Total income.
Credit :
Additional contribution to premiums or contributions on insurance contracts, broken down by year of assessment.
State subsidy for compensation, broken down by year.
Special allocation for insurance incentives, broken down by year.
Recourse against third parties.
Repayments made by claimants.
Interest on invested funds.
Gains on the sale of securities.
Advances from the Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole.
Other credit items.
Surplus expenses for the year.
Total income.