The rate of the deduction for assessment and collection costs to be made from the proceeds of the additional contribution to insurance premiums or contributions instituted by article 2 of law no. 74-1118 of 27 December 1974 is set at 2%.
The provisions to be set aside each year by the fund for the adjustment of certain annuities paid as compensation for damage caused by a motorised land vehicle, to cover the increases it reimburses to insurance companies, are calculated on the following basis:
Mortality table TV 73/77 appended to article A. 132-18;
Interest rate of 4.50%.
For the calculation of mathematical provisions, the annuitant’s date of birth is carried forward to the nearest 31 December.
In addition, a management provision equal to 2% of the total of the provisions mentioned in the second paragraph of this article is set aside to cover the costs incurred in managing the fund.