The auction listed in number 1 of the table mentioned in Article A. 444-1 gives rise to the collection of a proportional fee:
1° In the event of judicial liquidation: to the realisation value of each item;
2° In all other cases, including in the event of judicial reorganisation: to the average between the going concern value and the realisation value;
According to the following scale:
Base brackets | Rate applicable |
0 to €1,725 | 1.488% |
From €1,726 to €4,600 | 0.496% |
From €4,601 to €34,500 | 0.248% |
More than €34,501 | 0.099% |
The fee mentioned in the first paragraph does not apply to the assessment of items pledged as part of a loan granted by a municipal credit union carried out under the conditions provided for in article D. 514-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code, which is remunerated in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in article D. 514-5 of the same code.