An order of the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, published in the Journal officiel de la République française, designates the members of the jury.
The jury is composed as follows:
1° A magistrate from the judiciary, outside the hierarchy, in office or honorary, chairman;
2° A second magistrate from the judiciary, in office or honorary;
3° A magistrate from the Cour des Comptes or a finance inspector;
4° A representative of the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes;
5° A representative of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers ;
6° One representative of the Autorité des normes comptables;
7° Four members of higher education, professors or lecturers;
8° Two statutory auditors who are also chartered accountants, appointed on a proposal from the Conseil supérieur de l’ordre des experts-comptables;
9° Two statutory auditors, appointed on a proposal from the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes.
Alternates are appointed under the same conditions as the full members.
Specialist examiners may be added to the jury by order of the Minister of Justice, no later than the day before the test for which they are appointed. They take part in the jury’s deliberations in an advisory capacity when awarding marks relating to the test they have assessed or marked.
The jury is validly constituted if at least seven of its members are present.