The data and information recorded, according to their availability, in the processing known as the Register of unavailable books of the twentieth century are as follows:
1. First names and surnames or pseudonyms of the author(s).
2. Details of the author’s status (preface, illustrator, etc.).
3. Year of death of author(s).
4. Author identification number.
5. Name of the collective author.
6. Title of book.
7. Name or company name of publisher.
8. Year of publication of the book.
9. Publication date (e.g. first edition, revised edition, enlarged edition, etc.).
10. Collection.
11. Illustrated nature of the book.
12. Number of volumes and number of pages.
13. International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
14. A permanent identification number for the book.
15. Mention provided for in articles L. 134-4, L. 134-5 and L. 134-6.
16. Mention provided for in Article R. 134-3, to the effect that the book is the subject of a statement of opposition under investigation.