Holders of the third year certificate (P2 b), provided for in article 1 of the decree of 30 April 1968, are exempt from the tests for the common part of the examination for the first level State Certificate in Sports Educators provided for in this decree.
Holders of the diploma of general university studies in the sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, created by the decree of 11 April 1975, are exempt from the tests for the common part of the examination for the first level State Certificate in Sports Educators provided for in this decree.
Holders of the diplôme de moniteur chef d’éducation physique ou sportive issued by the Minister of Defence are exempt from the tests for the common part of the brevet d’Etat du premier degré d’éducateur sportif provided for in this decree.
Holders of the certificat de moniteur de sports de combat et de défense (combat and defence sports instructor certificate) issued by the national police force until 1978 are exempt from the exams for the common part of the brevet d’Etat du premier degré d’éducateur sportif (first level state diploma for sports instructors) provided for in this decree.
Holders of a master’s degree in science and techniques in sports economics and management issued by the University of Paris-Dauphine are exempt from the examination tests for the common part of the first-degree state certificate for sports instructors provided for in this decree.
Holders of the state certificate of aptitude for teaching physical culture created by the decree of 4 October 1965 are exempt from the examination tests for the common part of the first-degree state certificate for sports instructors provided for in this decree.
Holders of the diplôme d’études universitaires scientifiques et techniques, mention sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives , created by the aforementioned decree of 16 July 1984, are exempt from the exams for the common part of the brevet d’Etat du premier degré d’éducateur sportif provided for in this decree.
Holders of the brevet d’Etat d’éducation physique et sportive, instituted by decree no. 45-437 of 17 March 1945 creating a physical education and sports master’s diploma, are exempt from the tests for the common part of the brevet d’Etat du premier degré d’éducateur sportif provided for in this decree.
Holders of one of the diplomas of the state mountaineering certificate (brevet d’Etat d’alpinisme) created by the decree of 17 June 1972 are exempt from the exams for the common part of the first-degree state instructor’s certificate (brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif du premier degré).
Holders of the state instructor’s certificate (brevet d’Etat d’éducateur sportif) created by the decree of 17 June 1972 and who are candidates for one of the diplomas of the state mountaineering certificate (brevet d’Etat d’alpinisme) are exempt from the general training exam common to mountain sports professions.
Tenured physical education and sports teachers, tenured sports teachers and tenured physical education and sports lecturers are exempt from the examinations for the common part of the first and second degree sports educator State qualifications provided for in this decree.
Holders of the brevet supérieur d’Etat d’éducation physique et sportive are exempt from the examinations for the common part of the first and second degree brevets d’Etat d’éducateur sportif provided for in this decree.
Holders of the certificat d’études spéciales de biologie et médecine du sport created by the decree of 11 October 1971 are exempt from the examinations for the common part of the first and second degree brevets d’Etat d’éducateur sportif provided for in this decree.
Holders of the diploma of doctor of medicine or the State diploma of masseur-kinésithérapeute are exempt from the examination tests for the common part of the first degree of the State diploma of sports instructor provided for in this decree.
Holders of the physical education and sports instructor diploma issued by the national police force up to 1975 are exempt from the exams for the common part of the first and second degree state sports instructor diplomas provided for in this decree.
Officers who hold the brevet technique d’éducateur physique ou sportif, the diplôme technique d’entraînement physique militaire and the certificat technique d’entraînement physique et sportif issued by the Minister of Defence are exempt from the examinations for the common part of the first and second level brevets d’Etat d’éducateur sportif provided for in the decree of 8 May 1974.
Holders of the master’s degree in science and techniques of physical and sports activities created by the decree of 5 January 1982 are exempt from the examinations for the common part of the first and second degree state qualifications for sports instructors provided for in this decree.
Holders of the bachelor’s degree in science and techniques of physical and sports activities created by the decree of 7 July 1977 are exempt from the examinations for the common part of the first and second degree state qualifications for sports instructors provided for in this decree.
In view of the changes in the names of the certificates, the diplomas of chief physical education or sports instructor, the technical certificate of physical education or sports instructor, the technical diploma of physical education or sports instructor and the technical certificate of physical education or sports instructor, requests for exemption must go through the Ministry of Defence (Military Sports Commissariat), which will specify whether the certificates, diplomas or certificates correspond to those referred to above.
In order to apply for a specific training examination for the second level State Certificate in Sports Education, those exempted from the examination for the common part of the second level State Certificate in Sports Education provided for in this decree must have successfully passed a specific training examination for the first level.